How to include the cashback widget

1. Add the following script tag to your webpage

<script src="widget.???.com/cashback-widget.js"></script>

2. Place the following html where you want the widget to render

<div id="cashback-widget" data-locale="[LOCALE]" data-partner-id="[PARTNER_ID]" data-user-id="[USER_ID]" data-color-background="[COLOR]" data-color-primary="[COLOR]" data-color-secondary="[COLOR]" data-view="[VIEW]" data-show-carousel="[BOOL]"></div>

and add the following attributes

These attributes can have the following values:

An example:

<div id="cashback-widget" data-partner-id="5a3123bc-b0b8-4852-a3a3-4dc344bb76b0" data-user-id="11c789d0-3e08-4b5c-9e50-b9430f0a89d6" data-locale="nl-NL" data-view="stores" show-carousel="true"></div>

3. Test the implementation. The result should look somthing like this:

View a stores example

View a dashboard example